I had to confront Apple face with evidence of his actions. He wasn't pleased that I had followed him. But after seeing himself and the condition that he is in he agreed to stop going to Apple Fight Club. Lets hope he keeps his promise.
Notice his bandage?
I am so glad you are telling this story! And poor Mr. Apple Face! I hope he feels better after the treatment.
I must say I am a little aprehsive about what the days to come hold for him, but it looks like he is being well cared for.
Aaawww, I am glad he has seen the error of his ways! And I noticed the bandage straight away. Protecting that ever-darkening eye! Poor guy.
Im laughing really hard! Can you hear me? This story is too much fun!
He's getting in a lot of trouble. I wonder when he meets ms. Apple and settles down.
You are cracking me up with this....BRAVO!
This blog is starting to remind me more and more of the Thumper blog last time. I'm waiting for applehead to fall in love.
yeah i am with kim... at least he isnt brown as a paper sack.. love yesterday and todays pics... quite enjoying your little story with the apple face...
I bet he'd look good with a pirate eye patch!
Arrrr Matey!
The bandage was the first thing I noticed and it made me smile!
It's a good thing you found out what he was up to before he became applesauce! :D
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